Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 15 NOV 89 13:51:26 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0126; Wed, 15 Nov 89 13:44:38 GM Received: by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 7568; Wed, 15 Nov 89 13:43:14 GMT Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 10:57:25 GMT Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@EDU.STANFORD.SCORE Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion From: Chris Ridd Subject: RE: Problems booting w/accessories I get the exact same problems as Ray Wallace and Marty Saletta (and others...) using the SUPCLOCK program with my Supra hard disk. I think the problem is in communicating with the 6301 keyboard processor at boot up time. The ST may crash after all the \AUTO\*.PRGs have been executed, ie before the AES comes up, and _not_ just after the offending program. The crashes don't seem to happen consistently. Surely someone at Atari must have noticed this? (Or are the only ones with ghosts in our machines?? :-) Chris /* * Snail mail address: * Chris Ridd, "Wave after wave, each mightier than the last * School of Computer Science, 'Til last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep * Birmingham University, And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged * UK Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame" * */ ========================================================================= Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 15 NOV 89 15:08:35 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3708; Wed, 15 Nov 89 15:04:21 GM Received: by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 1220; Wed, 15 Nov 89 15:04:16 GMT Date: Wed, 15 Nov 89 05:15:15 MST Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was INFO-A16@MARIST From: INFO-ATARI16-REQUEST@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #655 Comments: To: INFO-ATARI16@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 15 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 655 Today's Topics: 6809 Emulator Anyone know a good source for ICD adapters? back to work. Languages!!! Multitasking GEM NeXT ( was Re: Vapourware!!! ) PD-Software wanted! Uniterm Fonts What does the TT Buy me?? (2 msgs) You think it was easy under OS/2? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed,15 Nov 89 11:32:56 BST From: Subject: 6809 Emulator Sorry to post this here. I have made 3 attempts to mail Gert and all have failed. Gert, Thanks for the offer of the 6809 Emulator. I have no intention of using it for comercial purposes. Myself and a friend currently use home built 6809 machines running FLEX. We are both considering replacing thses with ST's but would like to still be able to run some of our old 6809 software from time to time. I would therfore like permission to make one copy for him!!. How would you like to send the software and what sort of money do you want for your efforts??. Dave. P.S. We use out 09's mostly for things related to Ham Radio, (oh and I wrote some games for my kids.) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 16:07:31 SET From: VBRANDT%DBNUAMA1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: Anyone know a good source for ICD adapters? Hello all, ... can someone please recommend a good source (computer store / mail order business) in the USA that will ship to Germany? I am looking for a good price on the ICD host adapter. I need 3 of them (they are for resale). I once wrote a letter to ICD that was never replied, they sent me their catalog as an answer. So I didn't even try to write them directly. Thanks for any info. Please reply via email. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitnet: VBRANDT@DBNUAMA1 (will go away some day ...) Volker A. Brandt UNM409@DBNRHRZ1 (alternative) Angewandte Mathematik UUCP: ...!unido!DBNUAMA1.bitnet!vbrandt (Bonn, West Germany) ARPAnet: VBRANDT%DBNUAMA1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 09:03:42 CET From: HAHN_K%DMRHRZ11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: back to work. Thanks to Greg and Stephen there's finally a voice of reason to be heard through the thunder of these annoying flames. No, I don't want to start another "me too, ma!" but I didn't read this news for some time now just because I was bored with all these silly flames. We here in Europe bought A LOT of those nice machines and are pretty convinced of their power, if I had found that they weren't worth the money we would have sold our 50 STs and would simply buy other machines. What I NEED (concerning this news group) is information how to make the most out of my ST, not blurbs like 'they didn't build THAT in!', you see? If people are willing to discuss the problems they encounter when working with an ST I'd be willing to offer the help I can give. But hearing of design flaws, bad support, rotten hamburgers or the like is ineffective. This list could be of some help, really, but it seems to change to a center for disappointed geniuses who didn't succeed in building their own computer. Say Goodbye to Hollywood. - Klaus. ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 15:31:35 GMT From: mcsun!unido!tub!tmpmbx!netmbx! (Hartmut Semken) Subject: Languages!!! In article <3289@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> RICK@JHUVM (Eric Ruck) writes: >Strikes me that older versions of GFA Basic are in the public domain. No. False. No version of GfA Basic is in the Public domain. There ist only the freely redistributable run-only-Interpreter. But version 2.0 has become very cheap (DM 15; a dollar buys around DM 1.80) and the manual is not copy protected (printed red on black pages) anymore. hase -- Hartmut Semken, Lupsteiner Weg 67, 1000 Berlin 37 hase@netmbx.UUCP Dennis had stepped up into the top seat whet its founder had died of a lethal overdose of brick wall, taken while under the influence of a Ferrari and a bottle of tequila. (Douglas Adams; the long dark teatime...) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 18:26:55 GMT From: Sean Hickey Subject: Multitasking GEM In Info-Atari16 digest #368 Greg Csullog says :- >Apparently DRI is going to release a multitasking GEM for '386 machines. >Atari ported GEM for 8088s to the 68000, can it port GEM OS/386 to the >68030 DRI already has a multitasking version of GEM ( GEM/XM ) that will even run (though very slowly ) on 8088 machines. It handles the actual multitasking quite effectively. It's doesn't take an ideal approach to the user interface Even though GEM programs can run in the background you can't have windows from more than one task on the screen at once. You must switch to the background task using the Desktop menu. Context switching is only carried out when certain GEM calls are used ( a bit like Desk accessories really ). I'm not sure if it multitasked DOS ( non-reentrant ) or if they used their own DOS-Plus/Concurrent DOS ( pretty like DOS except that they are re-entrant ) It will even dynamically swap programs in and out of memory as required. It was a bit of a flop as a product so hopefully this new 386 version will be much better, and that Atari or perhaps some 3rd party ( don't laugh - there is a third party implementation of GEM version 2.0 for the ST, by a Dutch compa ny I think ), will port it for the ST/TT. Padraig ------------------------------ Date: 14 Nov 89 17:51:00 GMT From: mirror!necntc!necis!mrst!apollo!rehrauer@CS.BU.EDU (Steve Rehrauer) Subject: NeXT ( was Re: Vapourware!!! ) In article <> mark@rpp386.UUCP (Mark Lehmann) writes: >Don't forget that the NeXT uses the optical storage disk. That has to >slow it down terribly. I know that an 800Mb 28ms drive is available, but it >seems kind of silly to have both forms of media in the computer. Especially >if the optical drive available is only 550Mb. It would probably be much >better if the NeXT were to come with an 800Mb hard drive as the default >drive and use the Optical Drive just for removeable storage. An entire >Licensed Program Product would be available on one disk then and the ussual >UNIX installation and upgrading nightmare would be avoided. I think the optical drive holds 256Mb per cartridge, and that the hard-drives are 600Mb (or perhaps 660?). In any case, I believe NeXT just announced that it will now put fast 40Mb (non-optical) paging drives on all cubes. In fact, I believe they're offering the 40Mb drive to current owners at no charge. This is expected to make a big difference in optical-only system (i.e.: cubes which don't have the 600Mb drive) performance. Check out for the full & accurate scoop. (I don't own a NeXT. Heck, I've never even SEEN one. I'm just an interested watcher from the sidelines.) -- >>"Aaiiyeeee! Death from above!"<< | Steve Rehrauer, "Flee, lest we be trod upon!" | The Apollo Computer Division of H.P. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 15:20:04 EDT From: UHRZB011%DBIUNI11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: PD-Software wanted! Date: 14 November 1989, 15:08:45 EDT From: Peter Degner UHRZB011 at DBIUNI11 To: info-ata at In the 'ST Zmagazine # 36' Alice Amore (Author of the 'Public Domain Shelf') mentioned a program called BOWL_3, written by Robert Johnson. I'm very interested in this program but I don't know how to get it. Please, can someone on the net give me a hint how to get it, or, much better, send me copy of the program. Thanks in advance, Peter ------------------------------ Date: 15 Nov 89 04:13:07 GMT From: agate!saturn!ucscg.UCSC.EDU!dstr012@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (10003012) Subject: Uniterm Fonts Help!!! Has anyone out there found out how to change the font used by Uniterm? I have the fonts but I have not found out how to change them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Roman Baker . ------------------------------ Date: 15 Nov 89 07:19:28 GMT From: aplcen!haven!uvaarpa!hudson!astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU! (Greg Lindahl) Subject: What does the TT Buy me?? In article <46d16986.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: [ An amazingly incoherant and long posting. ] Richard: My advice to you is this: 1) Wait until the TT is released. If it isn't, go buy something else. 2) Evaluate the TT. If it meets your needs, buy one. If it doesn't, don't. Repeating what *you* want a million times won't get the message to Atari, it will merely bore us. Speculating about the TT's price/performance before it exists is silly. Flaming about the TT's price/nonperformance or obselescence is equally silly. Have a nice day. ------ Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice. ------------------------------ Date: 15 Nov 89 07:32:43 GMT From:!usc!sdsu!ctrsol!!aplcen!haven!uvaarpa!huds on!astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU! (Greg Lindahl) Subject: What does the TT Buy me?? In article <> writes: >The Atari TT gives you an Atari Cheerleader like Greg Lindhal.. No, Bob, one day I woke up and said, "I don't want to let any more articles flow by on with obvious technical goofs in them. And I'm tired of seeing people repeatedly give Atari advice about marketing when all they're doing is filling the newsgroup with junk." I don't own any Atari stock. I rarely turn on my 520 these days. But I enjoy quality discussions on until recently. >There aren't any Atari products to compete with most of what the other >computer companies already have for sale, so you have to fall back on the >"someday, someday" cheerleaders... Excuse me? My point is: don't flame something that doesn't exist yet. Who knows if will exist or not, ever? I don't. You don't. So don't waste the keystrokes flaming it. >>>What has happened to Atari Corp?? >>They are making money selling computers. >Atari Corp is making a lot of noise about IBM compatible "pocketable" >computers, and "handheld" video games. And they are making money selling computers. I'll stop repeating myself on this point, and suggest that you read their stock reports. And if you don't like the ST, buy something else. ------ Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice. ------------------------------ Date: 15 Nov 89 07:27:50 GMT From: agate!genbank!sdsu!ctrsol!!aplcen!haven!uvaarpa!hudson!a stsun.astro.Virginia.EDU!gl8f@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Greg Lindahl) Subject: You think it was easy under OS/2? In article <12430011@acf5.NYU.EDU> mitsolid@acf5.NYU.EDU (Thanasis Mitsolides) writes: [ responding to claim that compatibility is tough...] > >OS/2 286 allows one DOS compatibility window within OS/2. >OS/2 386 will allow any number of DOS compatibility windows within OS/2. Actually, these compatibility boxes aren't fully compatible. Among other things, they drop fast interrupts. And since most applications using the serial port have their own drivers instead of using the BIOS drivers, this is a big problem. The compatibility box also has a big advantage that comes from an earlier limitation. A PC expects to have 640k of memory. An ST can have up to 4 megs. So if your single-tasking program is making the stupid assumption that nobody else can allocate memory... OS/2 can fix it by giving it the full 640k, while a multitasking TOS can't. Remember Juggler on the Mac? It had an interesting solution to the problem, but you had to give it a hint of how much memory to tell each program it had. >>Does anyone know how the hell Macintosh managed to make all their programs >>work with multidesk (or was multitasking always supported on the Mac? >I am not flaming you, but it IS kommon knowledge. With HARD WORK! Actually, they did it be slowly changing and adding to the "rules" for writing applications. Haven't you noticed the occasional screams when a new release of the Mac OS breaks existing programs from big-name software houses? However, most Mac programs have good support and the companies immediately go out and fix them. If Atari produced a multitasking system that required a bunch of litle changes to almost all programs, how much chaos would result? ------ Greg Lindahl Astrophysicists for Choice. ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #655 *****************************************